Orange roses, hot pink gerbera daisies, little teeny fuchsia primrose-looking things??? He is seriously the best! And no sappy card, here. Just this:
Simple, straight to the point. I love him. And I thank him for being so thoughtful.
Now on to the finds. Our local Society of St. Vincent dePaul (we call it Vinnie's around these parts...) has a linen sale every year. They save up all the antique and vintage linens that get donated throughout the year and then they sell them all at once, over the weekend. Its a big deal. All the fancy-pants antiques dealers line up on the first morning, chomping at the bit to get to the damn place. And then they buy up all the linen dish towels and whatnot so they can sell them on ebay or at the antique mall or whatever. So usually by the time I get there, there's not much. But yesterday I left work a little early and got some cool stuff...
Hankies! I love them. I think I want to make something out of them, just not sure what. I am thinking maybe some little curtains or incorporate them into a quilt, somehow. They are really thin, so I would need to reinforce them somehow if I want to put them in a quilt. I guess I'll have to think on that for a while.
My other find is this sweet little sampler:
I love the sentiment and I love that its old. I am hoping that my dear sweet sister can frame it for me. I will hang it up either in my sewing room or at work. Maybe work is the place for it. I need to remember that kind words are important when I am getting frustrated by people's lack of common sense...
Thanks for letting me share. Go out and have a loverly day!
1 comment:
Hello follow Swapper,
I have been given you as my person to give to and was wondering if there are likes/dislikes I should go by or if I get free reign. Happy Valentines Day.
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